Singing Guide: Seeb & Bastille

Singing Guide: Seeb & Bastille

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

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Learning to Sing like Seeb and Bastille

Have you ever wondered how to learn to sing like Seeb and Bastille? If so, you are in the right place. In this article, we will discuss the unique vocal techniques of Seeb and Bastille and suggest practical tips and Singing Carrots resources to help you sing like them.

Seeb's Vocal Technique

Seeb is a Norwegian music production duo, in which Simen Eriksrud and Espen Berg use a variety of unique techniques to produce their sound. In particular, Seeb is known for their use of a choppy, stuttering vocal effect called "vocal chop," which involves electronically manipulating vocal samples by slicing them into small pieces and rearranging them in a rhythmic pattern.

If you want to learn how to sing like Seeb and incorporate their "vocal chop" effect into your singing, Singing Carrots' pitch training exercises could help you. Specifically, you could try the "Pitch Monitor" tool, which allows you to see how accurately you're hitting notes, and adjust your pitch accordingly. You could also use the "Pitch Training" exercise, which includes a variety of exercises to improve your pitch accuracy.

Bastille's Vocal Technique

Bastille is a British band fronted by lead vocalist Dan Smith, who incorporates a wide range of vocal techniques into his singing. While his singing style is generally pop rock, he often incorporates elements of alternative rock, post-punk revival, and folk pop into his music.

Dan Smith's voice is particularly known for its intense emotion and high-pitched delivery, particularly on songs like "Pompeii" and "Things We Lost in the Fire." If you want to learn how to sing like Bastille, Singing Carrots' vocal range test could help determine your vocal range and where your voice sits naturally. You could also try the "Voice Registers and Vocal Break" exercise, as Smith often uses falsetto to reach those higher notes. Additionally, Singing Carrots' "Singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking" and "How to find your own authentic voice" articles could help you tap into the emotions in your singing.

Practical Tips for Singing like Seeb and Bastille

In addition to using Singing Carrots' tools and resources, there are a few other practical tips that could help you sing like Seeb and Bastille. Firstly, breath support is crucial for both Seeb's choppy vocal style and Bastille's high-pitched delivery. Our "Breath Support" article could help you improve your technique. Additionally, both Seeb and Bastille's music feature complex harmonies, so our "Articulation" article could help you enunciate those lyrics more clearly.

Moreover, Singing Carrots' "Tips for performing on stage" and "How to overcome stage fright" articles could help you gain the confidence and skills needed to perform like Seeb and Bastille and overcome any performance anxiety you might experience.

In conclusion, Seeb and Bastille are two bands with unique vocal techniques that inspire many aspiring singers. By using Singing Carrots' vocal tools, reading our articles, and practicing regularly, you too can learn to sing like Seeb and Bastille. Good luck!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.